
Here’s a new word for some of you: Boomerang. To most of us it conjures up an image of a flat curved piece of wood which, when thrown correctly, returns gracefully to the hand of the thrower. In Antarctic aviation parlance it means your airplane started to go to The Ice but turned around at some point for any of a hundred reasons and returned to its starting point in Christchurch. In our case today the aircraft informed the pilots during the boarding process that it had no intention of even leaving the ramp area! The good news is that I get to spend at least one more day in Christchurch enjoying the wonderful, and I mean that sincerely, hospitality of New Zealanders. I’m confident I’ll get to the Ice one day because these folks are truly a persistent lot. In the meantime, I’ll wait expectantly for a piece of paper to come sliding under my door announcing the next expected departure date and time. Stay tuned. The picture shows what it will be like inside the plane. We are taking people and a helicopter!
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