Back Online and in Training!


Welcome back! No wait, that’s me that should be hearing that. It has been a very busy 2 weeks. Getting my feet on the ground, training every day of one kind or another, difficulties connecting with the outside world and many other challenges. I’m happy to report I am back online and have even set up a time to call Deni every morning before I head off to work. It’s always good to hear her voice.

The weather has been very Antarctic like the past two weeks. We’ve had gusty winds, cloudy skies and even some snow. Today however, was spectacular, the wind was calm, the skies were clear, and visibility was unlimited. The temperature was even pleasant for a late October day.

I enjoyed a class on survival in extreme cold climates yesterday afternoon. It was very informative, and we had opportunities for hands on assembly of white gas camp stoves, pitching tents, building ice walls/igloos and classroom time studying the many medical problems you can face if you get caught away from the town and a Herbi blows in. A Herbi is a storm of hurricane force winds with white out conditions with temperatures near 100 degrees below zero. Needless to say, It’s a time you don’t want to get caught outside.

On-the-job training is going well, and I hope to be fully qualified early next week. Once qualified at work I can begin to settle into a normal daily routine. I’m very much looking forward to that

I’m still working out some technical issues with sending pictures to accompany the blog. Because of the busy pace right now I haven’t had much of a chance to take pictures anyway. 

Stay tuned.


  1. Hi Bill - Cindy from the golf course - love your blog. Sounds like a lot of ups and downs but everyone seems to work through them..


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