11-11-2021Just a quick note yesterday was the Marine Corps birthday and today as you know is Veterans Day. Just take a moment to remember all the men and women who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Thank a veteran if you see one.
Stickers…all over the base you find stickers people have left over the years to leave a little piece of themselves behind when they leave the Ice. I’ve included a few I’ve seen recently and will post more as I come across them. Some are a little racy and I’m not sure they will get by the censor. I also found a crate which had been sitting outside for several days. I found the stickers on the crates interesting also.
A week or so ago I saw an older man (and I use the term loosely) sitting alone in the dining facility. I saw him again a few days later and each time I saw him I felt more certain that I knew him. I finally went up to him and told him he looked so familiar to me did I look familiar to him? He said no so I let it go. Today I saw him again in context at the Gerbil Gym. His name is Tom and he diligently and gingerly caresses all the exercise machines into working. With limited parts and a creative mind, he nurses each machine back to life after it has been beaten into submission by exercise fanatics. We talked for about an hour about time gone by and people we both knew. One was the man who made jewelry from Erebus crystals. Another, Shauna was a friend who kept the Gerbil Gym clean. Tom is the first and only person I have yet to run across who I knew from prior visits to the Ice. Sadly, he says this may be his last trip. By the way he is 3 years older than I am. Few people here can say that!
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