Fun Stuff


Just some fun stuff today. Look closely at the picture of 3 people. Can you tell what it is they’re using and for bonus points how does it work.

I’m feeling very energized today for some reason and feeling full of life. I haven’t missed any of the current political discourse you are being exposed to and, in fact, getting away from that played a role in my decision to come here this year.

 Finally, I stopped by the Skua store after work today so enjoy some pictures from the outside. It’s not safe to show you what it looks like inside.

As I walked to work this morning, I found myself admiring mountains more that 50 miles from my vantage point and I was impressed by the fact that the view was not obstructed by any form of dust, smog, smoke etc. One of the, and maybe the only, place on our planet where the air is so clean, crisp and clear.


  1. Haven’t seen a pay phone in such a long time - not sure I would remember how to use them


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