The Delta


The Delta
The transition from land to glacier has gotten almost impassable for vehicles, even those with the largest of wheels. One of the vehicles that can still make the passage is called “The Delta”. Remember watching “earth movers” when you were a kid? They had a huge tractor like front end connected to a large trailer that scraped dirt into itself. 

Wow, that wasn’t a very good description, but I hope you know what I mean. That’s kind of what a Delta is except it’s designed to haul people instead of dirt. I’ve attached a picture to help your imagination. That’s what I rode on this morning getting to work. If you like roller coasters, you want to ride in the very back of the passenger compartment. Every bump and turn are magnified to the point that if you don’t have a seat belt on you may well bounce your head off the ceiling. 

The other interesting thing is on the inside of the Delta, instead of graffiti people put stickers on the walls and ceiling. I’ve included just a couple of those as well. The other small drawback is that while it can crawl over almost any terrain it doesn’t do it quickly. In fact, some question whether it's moving faster than the glacier it’s traveling over! 

It’s like everything else here, just sit back and enjoy the ride.


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