"Ice Tube"


They have an “Ice Tube” here this year. It’s a big length of PVC that extends through the ice into the sound near McMurdo. It has rung ladder steps to help get in and out. It sounds terribly claustrophobic to me, so I won’t be descending the tube even though I suspect the view under the ice is incredible. Apparently, they put no size restrictions on who can go into the tube. The tube takes care of that all on its own. Imagine climbing vertically into an MRI machine. Three people got stuck in it today and had to be extricated by the fire department. Apparently, the steps are so far apart that it’s hard to bend your knee enough to reach the next step. Because of that you must do a pull-up to get from step to step. How many pull ups can you do? What could possibly go wrong with this idea? It might be fun just to go watch the circus!


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