Let It Snow!!


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. When I went outside this morning for breakfast the normally grungy brown lava rock of the parking lot was blanketed in fresh white fluffy snow. The snow was still gently wafting to the ground, and it reminded me of my childhood days in Minnesota.

So, what’s the big deal? Snow, Antarctica, they go together, right? Not so fast my friend! Remember Antarctica is a very arid continent. Our humidity is so low that we are constantly shocking ourselves when touching anything metal. You’ve felt it before,

the shocking tingle of static electricity pulsing through your fingers. Although snowfall doesn’t happen often here it is still a beautiful sight.

Memories of days gone by. I stopped by what was originally the officers club when the U. S. Navy occupied McMurdo. When I came to McMurdo in 2006 it had been converted to a coffee house. It was a warm inviting place to spend time drinking warm brews, playing cribbage with friends and plugging into the internet. At the time it was one of the only places on base to plug in. It had all the feelings of a small-town jazz club where everyone knew everyone else and reveled in the pleasure of quiet conversation. Unfortunately, it was an old building and the powers that be wanted to raze it and send the remnants back to the USA on a cargo ship. It hasn’t met that fate yet and is still used occasionally by groups but most nights its quiet and empty. I’m including a picture of the old coffee house sign that still hangs on the outside of the building. A picture says a thousand words.


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