"Shorts Weather"



Did you just say, “shorts weather”? Well, it is here today. If this wasn’t a workday, I’d have been on a long hike on a path called “arrival heights”. It’s so named because of its high elevation and spectacular view of ships coming and going to McMurdo. No ships yet though, still too much ice but the ice breaker is on the way and the Orcas are getting antsy. Update on the tooth, all good, and I’m very happy. I am feeling very energized today and happy in general. Days like these are great!


  1. Really glad to hear all worked out with that tooth. I’ve had lots of problems with mine, and I was worried you might get some residual nerve pain. Glad all is good!
    My great niece from Utah has come to visit. She is 18 years old, traveling around in a cool decked out van. She has met a lot of people in the neighborhood who have dogs. So yesterday, Deni (after finding out how adventurous Liz is)tells her that she will send your blog info through me. I said what the heck, no one ever offered me that, I’d love to read it!! 🤪Anyway, I’m all caught up and loved living vicariously through you! What an adventure you are having!


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