What's a Herbie?!?!?



I just looked at the date and it reminded me that Christmas is only a month away. In accordance with my daughter’s timeline, I started listening to Christmas music today. I always look forward to that and I’m always ready to stop right after Christmas.

I’m so impressed by the creativity of people here. I enjoyed the artwork on a recycle bin. Just after Thanksgiving there will be a craft show. The variety of things for sale is astounding.

The weather folks told us today to get ready for a “mini” Herbie. A Herbie
is akin to a hurricane. We’re supposed to have wind gusts around 60 mph. Add blowing snow and you can easily get whiteout conditions. When that happens they set “condition 2” on the base and pretty much everyone stays inside their rooms until we get the all clear. I have a small stash of food in our refrigerator to tide me over. You just don’t want to be outside during a Herbie.

I met a very nice scientist last night at a science lecture. She was there with several of her doctorate and post doctorate students. They are using an incredibly strong laser beam to collect information about the origins of the planet and the universe. They have been working on the project for about 10 years. The research going on here is some of the best in the world.

Stuff leftover from 1969 Expedition

Tiny Skua baby feather

Close up of 1969 Plaque


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