You've Got Mail!!



You’ve got mail! No, wait a minute, I’ve got mail and I’m very happy.  It only took 7 weeks, and I am halfway around the world, but it got to me non the less. Getting mail here is akin to when you were in the service on foreign assignment. You always listened for your name at mail call and most of the time were disappointed when someone else’s name was always called and not yours. 


I’m seeing more and more seals everyday as they arrive for summer feeding and breeding. The seals love it, and the orcas can’t wait to join them on the ice.


We have an Italian military C-130 coming in two to three times per week. The flight crews are very friendly, and we have a great relationship with them and its one we try to cultivate. If you like handsome men, they’re not hard on the eyes. I’m including a picture of one today. What do you think?


Last item on the agenda today is where we wash our hands before every meal. Do you recognize it from your youth? I know I do.


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