

Racy…This next bit has nothing to do with Antarctica and you might find it a little offensive especially if you are offended by the mention of anatomical body parts like penis for instance (I thought it might be less offensive if I made it smaller). 

It involves a speechless, red-faced moment between a father and daughter. Several years ago, I was visiting at my daughter’s house, and she asked me to go to the grocery store for some items. It was a rather innocuous request and one I had done many times in the past without dire consequences, so I agreed to go. One of the items she asked me to pick up was some avocados. Then she asked me if I knew how to tell if an avocado is ripe. (don’t tell anyone if you know where this is going) I always aim to please, so I told her I didn’t know. Without batting an eye she told me to hold it tightly in my hand and if it felt like an erect penis it was properly ripe……….red face, speechless moment!! She was right, as usual, and I think of that and her every time I buy avocados. It makes me smile. Well yesterday I was reading a book and I found out the avocado gets its name from the Nahuatl (I don’t know what country or language this is from) word for avocado is testicle. So now you know when you go to the store for avocados grab the testicle and see if it feels like an erect penis. I hope you’re laughing now or at least smiling and shaking your head.

When I walked out of the dorm this morning, I could see my breath. It’s the first time I’ve seen it since the last sunrise. I think winter may be moving back in.

One last thing, I had something very interesting happen at work yesterday and I’m writing about it in just a minute, but I can’t share it with you until I’m off of the ice so look for it later in February. (How’s that for a teaser?)


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