Highway 1
Ship change. If I already told you this forgive me the cold is fogging my brain (probably been fogged for a long time without the cold) The Natty B. has left port and gone on to do scientific research around the continent so the Coast Guard took the opportunity to park so the sailors could have some R&R ashore here at McMurdo. The Navy ship handlers have also arrived on station as well as a new group of Air Guard folks. Along with our new arrivals came our old friend Covid so back on go the masks that everyone hates to wear…. As they say, “it is what it is”.
The main corridor in building 155 (the galley and main admin bldg.) is called “highway 1”. Along highway 1 is a large TV monitor which has a daily list of activities on base. There are also sign-up sheets for various activities and a bulletin board which is open to all for any and everything. The bulletin board is pretty much uncensored so what you read there can raise your eyebrows. Sometimes it makes you laugh, sometimes cry and sometimes it even makes you think. It always generates conversation and people are always crowded around it. At the far end of highway 1 on the door leaving the building are more posters indicating upcoming events. It’s a good and bad place for the notices because they always catch your attention and often cause you to stop abruptly as you start through the door, so we have many rear end collisions at this end of highway 1. (Sometimes you meet the most interesting people there)
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