I Saw a Penguin!!

1-17-2023 As I was riding to work tonight, I glanced up at the sun and realized it’s beginning to feel a little like twilight. In fact, from its zenith on December 21st the sun has descended enough that if it had an elbow it could lean on the mountains to help keep it suspended in the sky. The days of constant sunlight are coming to an end. Checked off another block on the obligatory Ice checklist a couple of days ago when I spotted two Adelie penguins frolicking on the ice near Hut Point. They play like little children. They’re very animated in their conversations and the way they wave their flippers around is just plain cute. After a little play on the ice they both dove into the water and continued their play there. All the conversations I’m involved in and overhear revolve around plans after the Ice. It’s fun to listen to the animated conversations. It reminds me of the penguins with animated talk and waving of hands and arms. I’m down to about 30 working days left and then I’m returning to retired life (for who knows how long)


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