Let it Snow!!!
1-2-2023Let it snow…. I woke up this morning to a sight I haven’t seen in three seasons here. There was 6 inches of fluffy white snow on the ground. We do get snow but not in amounts and accumulation like this. The continent is dry like a dessert here, so snow is even uncommon. The mountains around the base that yesterday was barren of snow and very dark with lava rock today are blanketed with snow. The silky smoothness of the snow cover on the mountains looks like fondant on a cake. I took lots of pictures but with white snow against the white sky it was hard to get any contrast. The temperature here is still relatively warm so the snow is melting rapidly much like a late April snow in Minnesota.
The rest of my morning was spent in the gerbil gym exercising and then I spent a little time in the Skua store sorting and hanging up cloths. It’s off to work in a few minutes to get my work year started.
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