

I have a jacket at home that has patches sewn on it from various places I have been in my life. Yesterday I got a patch from here in Antarctica. I’m excited about getting it and I have enclosed a picture. I’ll get it sewn on my jacket as soon as I get home.

I talked about the ice breaker arriving yesterday. It usually takes about 5 days for the first channel to be cut from the ice edge to McMurdo. I asked a helicopter to give me an update on his position. He replied, “wait 5 minutes and look out your window and you can see for yourself”.  I thought he was kidding but I looked anyway and there, lo and behold, was the icebreaker. I snapped a couple of pictures for you. The fact he was able to get to McMurdo so fast is a good indication of how thin the ice is this year. 

I didn’t see any of the orcas, but I know they are out there and coming into the sound. About 50 seals have been out sunning themselves on the ice for several weeks now. It’s time for the seals to be very cautious around the water. They somehow know of the lurking danger and slowly work their way away from the ice edge.


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