Penguin Bone
I’m back at it again. I found another artifact. I’m sending along a picture but to give you a relative idea of its size; it’s about three- and one-half inches across and about one-half inch wide. When I picked it up on the shoreline in a beach full of lava rock it stood out very clearly because it is so white. I thought it was just an old animal bone (penguin I thought). On closer inspection I realized it was in fact a bone of some kind, but it had been used as some sort of handle or tool. Each end had been drilled out and a braided line had been attached. Remnants of the line can still be seen on both ends. In addition, you can clearly see where the bone has been eroded by a rope of some kind repeatedly passing over it. I’m in search of an archeologist in hopes he/she might help to identify it. By the way, I still haven’t heard back about my other discovery but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. It’s cool finding things like this especially the bone because that clearly dates back a long time.
Not that I’m counting but I fly home in 37 days, and I have 35 working days left.
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