Penguins, Whales and Seals....Oh My!!
Penguins and whales and seals oh my…..Now that the ice has largely cleared from the sound the wildlife is visible everywhere. Unfortunately, everything I saw today was too far away to even attempt to capture them in a picture. I can tell you what I saw though. When I was on my treadmill in the gerbil gym, I had a great view of the open water.
I watched a killer whale slowly cruising the sound. For a while he pushed a big sheet of ice around. I’m not sure if he was playing or practice hunting or maybe a little of both. The seals are visible everywhere but as the ice recedes, they move further and further up on the ice shelf to get away from the encroaching orcas.
The animal that really steals the show is still the Adelae penguins. We watched them cavorting in the water, zooming along, launching themselves out of the water and eventually making something akin to a Do Do bird landing on the ice. After the landing they shake themselves off and then become very engaged in animated chatter and flapping of wings. It’s great fun to watch and we are hopeful that at some point they will work themselves into a more photo appropriate location. Keep your fingers crossed.
This picture is from my last trip.