Signs, Signs, Everywhere is Signs

1-23-2023 Misc… I thought I’d include a few random pictures I’ve taken recently just to give you a little more flavor of McMurdo. Road signs aren’t necessary since there’s only one road with McMurdo at one end and Scott Base at the other. The funny thing about the signs is that someone turned them around. If this causes you to get lost not even google maps can help you! I still like looking at the sign for my airport. I still answer the phone in the tower “Williams Tower William speaking”. I know it’s weak, but it makes me smile.
The Ice Breaker left port today so they can begin the preparation for the big supply ship that is coming in sometime this week. It certainly looks and feels like a winter day today, a foreshadowing perhaps. I snapped a picture looking towards the tower from the galley with the sun in the picture. It certainly has sunk lower in the sky. I got an interesting picture of an area they call the pressure ridges. The vertical push of the ice gives a clue of mother nature’s strength. I’m having mixed feelings as the season comes to an end, some happy, some sad. In the end that’s life.


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