The Gerbil Gym
Gerbil gym… I’ve talked about it on a few occasions but when I was working out today, I realized I haven’t sent any pictures, so I’ve included a couple for you today. Historically what is now the gerbil gym started its life as “the Acey-Deucy club” on the Navy base. This was a club for enlisted people in pay grades E-5 and E-6. They also had a club for E-1’s through E-4’s known as the Enlisted Club. Chiefs (E-7-E-9) had the Chiefs Club and of course what we now know as the Coffee House was the Officers Club. I have spent many hours in the gerbil gym. It’s good for the body and soul I think, and it helps pass the hours when not at work. The alternative is to spend time at the bars. I can tell you from personal experience that far more people spend time in the bars.
The last two days, weather wise, are what people expect to see in Antarctica. Heavy winds and blowing snow continue again today. It is significant because there is much flying and resupplying that remains to be done and the days are growing short.
One last note. I didn’t see it, but a tour ship came into the sound last night. They launched a Zodiac boat and took people ashore near a penguin colony. They are not sanctioned by the National Science Foundation and probably not members of the “Treaty”, but people have paid lots of money to get here (I’m told $27,000) for a cabin. Officially though there is no law which prohibits them from doing what they did. Hopefully they were respectful of the wildlife and the continent.
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