The Ice Pier Disappears!

1-25-2023 Ice Pier….I know I’ve talked about The Ice Pier before but today was a momentous day for the old girl. Ever since I’ve been coming here and I suspect many years before I came, the Ice Pier has been used as a staging area for securing and off-loading ships of various kinds. It’s just a big floating slab of ice and it has served the purpose well for many years but last year they broke it. I’m not sure how they broke it but they broke it bad enough that last winter was not able to thicken and repair the break as they had hoped. The back-up plan was to have the first cargo ship bring in a floating pier system. It’s hard to see but that floating pier is all stacked on the deck of the freighter that pulled into port today. People in the “know” tell us it will take 2 days to assemble the new pier and then they can begin the real work of unloading the ship. I was up early enough this morning to witness the ice breaker breaking the ice pier away from its mooring. The pier was then gently (so as not to break it more) nudged into the sound and then pushed into the shore out of the way of this year’s operations. Although it was a momentous occasion it wasn’t a thrilling event. It was more like watching grass grow. You know something is happening but you just can’t see it happening. I was exercising in the gerbil gym while the process was under way so every thirty minutes or so I’d go out to snap a couple of pictures. I’ll go back tomorrow morning to check on the progress and let you know.
Last item. I broke a tooth back in December (I think I mentioned it in the blog) It was repaired by an emergency room dental PA (Mike) and he did a fine job. He told me the real dentist would check his work in January. Tomorrow is the day for the check. Wish me well!


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