The Radio Show!

1-26-2023 I fulfilled a bucket list experience today when I was asked to co-host the “Steve and Steve Show” on Ice Radio. That’s 104.5 on your FM dial. The man who hosts the show “Big Dave” is one of the controllers I work with. There was no script but my work with an Improv Group many years ago came in handy. I’ve included a few pictures from inside the studio. I forgot to get one of myself at the mike, but I’ll go back to get one later. I already have fans. Several people came up to me and told me I sounded like a “real” DJ! Fun, fun, fun. Right now I’m at work in the middle of a blizzard. The wind is howling with heavy snow, blowing snow and drifting snow or just another day in North Dakota! I hope it clears up before shift change time or I might be spending the night in the tower.


  1. It was great having you on the show.
    Listen here:


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