Towering Cumulus

1-20-2023 Towering cumulus…. As I’ve told you before Antarctica is a very arid continent. Because of that we rarely see cumulus clouds let alone towering cumulus. As my grandson Trent knows these are clouds most often associated with heavy rain or snow events. Thunder and lightning are also associated with them. While we don’t get the thunder and lightning here, we do have some beautiful towering cumulus clouds visible from the tower tonight. You can see them in the distance behind the tail of the C-130. The hill to the right of the tail is “Ob Hill” McMurdo is just on the other side of OB Hill.
A few days ago, I was on the phone with my wife, and I told her I was getting short. In military parlance that means your tour of duty or career are coming to an end in the very near future. In both instances that is the case with me. She told me I wasn’t “short” until I had 30 days left. Today is that day for me. I’m scheduled to leave the Ice on the 20th of February so you can officially call me short. In fact, I’m short enough now that I’m having to stand on my tip toes to reach the door handle. It only gets worse from here. By the 19th of February I’ll be able to enter a room without opening the door. Climbing stairs will become a problem (you get the idea). The call of home is looming large in my brain now and I’m happy that those thoughts are there.


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