Williams Field

1-10-2023 First some fun…I finally got a picture taken of me at MY airport. Almost as significant, especially for my brother Mark, is the short sleeve shirt with an outside air temperature of about 27 degrees Fahrenheit. I also captured a picture of a fallen warrior. Actually, it’s an old, retired piece of Navy heavy equipment that found a second life here. Unfortunately, I think it has finally given its all and passed on to the big construction site in the sky. Finally, I caught a cool picture of a cloud formation over Mt. Erebus. It’s called alto cumulus castellanos. It kind of looks like two white UFOs parked over the mountain. They are cool to look at but don’t appear all that often. It was especially cool because there were no other clouds in the sky at the time, I took the picture. Some sadness entered my life today as I was told two former work co-workers, one of them I first met on The Ice, have gone into hospice care. One with only hours to live. In addition, the daughter of our neighbor succumbed to covid early this morning. It’s another reminder of how fragile life is and how important it is to live life to the fullest.


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