Wonderful Weather!!!

1-9-2023 I don’t have enough words in my lexicon of literary license (a feeble attempt at alliteration) to describe how spectacular a weather day it was here today. Add to that, I worked in the control tower today, so I had a front row seat to natures majesty. It was just plain a great day. When I told the cashier at the store about my day, she paused looked at me and said, “are you being serious of facetious”? I’m serious I said. They don’t happen all that often. I’m old enough and thoughtful enough to enjoy them for what they are, not overthink them, but just enjoy them. If your day wasn’t like that just know that days like this are possible. Wait for them, watch for them and when they come enjoy them and if you can spread the joy.
It was such a nice day that I went for a long walk after work. I saw over a hundred seals laying out on the ice and I think in their own way they were having a great day as well. I saw large areas of open water which was also nice to see. I think I’ll sleep well tonight and hope for another great day tomorrow.


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