Beautiful Sunday
It’s a spectacularly beautiful weather day at Williams Field. Days like this remind me how lucky I am to be here.
Sunday morning, I went to the galley between breakfast and lunch. I went to make a Belgian waffle. While I was making my waffle the oncoming lunch shift had a premeal briefing. I was interested. The first to speak was the chef, followed by three or four others. They were sharing information with the team about the meal they were about to serve. They talked about each dish, salad, dessert and anything else that was available to eat. They talked about vegan and vegetarian options allergies were discussed as well. At the end of the meeting, they chose one of their own, Sarah to dedicate the meal to so like in a sports huddle they all extended their hands into the center and shouted “Sarah” as they raised their hands and ended the meeting. I know in most good restaurants in the world this kind of thing is done. I was very impressed with the professionalism of the staff in the galley. They all work incredibly hard every day to give us tasty, healthy food. Thank you.
The end of the season is rapidly approaching, and I find happy/sad thoughts drifting through my mind. Life is amazing.
Hope you are able to watch the Super Bowl…the commercials are great