
 Burger Bar and Chaz….When I went to the galley last night for dinner I was confronted by a line extending into the hallway (about 60 people long) then I remembered it was burger bar night. I passed by the line and had salmon, wild rice and vegetables for dinner. It reminded me though of our urges to return to that which makes us feel comfortable whether it be food or habits especially when we are out of our normal environment. Even though I didn’t get in the line I did think about getting home and returning to my “normal routine”. There is a sense of calmness in that.

 Last night I was watching the departure of the Happy Delta and I bumped into a friend from Helo Ops, Chaz. We had many interactions over the season, and he told me he was headed home tomorrow. Before he heads home, he plans to spend a month traveling around New Zealand. His home is in Fiji! He told me if I ever find myself there to look him up and he’d show me around. I offered the same thing to him in The Villages. Who knows, it’s a small world after all..(sorry I couldn’t help myself)


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