

 Endings…..From the moment we are born life is a series of beginnings. We begin to breath, we begin to eat, talk, walk go to school…you get the idea. All those beginnings lead somewhere. Some lead us to places we planned to go, and others lead us to places we would never have dreamed of when we took the first step. As we get older, we “begin” to experience endings. We end relationships, we end school, we end our work life we experience the end of life. Many times, endings have a sad connotation some are happy but the one thing all endings have in common are memories. I’ve heard when people have near death experiences, they see their lives flash before their eyes. I don’t know if that’s true or not (and I’m not in a hurry to find out either) but I went for a long walk today and I had a chance to reflect on memories of so many endings in my life. I am so grateful to all the people who have shared my path with me even the ones who made life a little difficult. They all are woven into the fabric of who I am. I love the memories!

 I took a short hike down to Hut Point after brunch with a friend from the weather service. We saw a single seal and a penguin huddled close to the ground molting. The water on the sound is beginning to glaze over as the days get cooler and my time here comes closer to ending.


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