Falling Sun


Ship change…The first cargo ship left port last night and the next ship pulled right in behind him and began off-loading. Because of that, our Yacht Club meeting was cancelled because our Commodore was pulling line duty on the ship change. (For non-nautical people it means he was handling ropes used to tie the ship up to the pier)

Because of the sun falling further in the sky it now feels like dawn and dusk all day. The first sunset is February 20th, the day I leave McMurdo. The days are also getting cooler. It’s not too bad when the wind isn’t blowing. If I can stay awake, I can visit the McMurdo Museum which is open from 8:00 to 10:00 this evening.

The Minke whales are in the sound in large numbers. Last night I watched a pod of about 12 swimming around. It’s fun to watch them all “blow” as they surface. The Orcas are also still around. Penguins stay near the ice edge and are in jeopardy. All the seals are near Scott Base away from the ice edge and danger.


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