Happy Halloween

10-31-2022 Happy Halloween everyone! It was a busy day, so I’ll be brief today. I worked an evening shift alone for the first time since I’ve been here and had the most traffic I ever had before. Happily, it all worked out and the shift went by really fast. Today was also the first day we opened the Control Tower for the season. There were many glitches, but we worked through them and we’re going to give it another try tomorrow. Before I went to work though I went to the Gerbil Gym and got an hour in on a brand-new treadmill that was just installed yesterday. I followed that up with an hour on the yoga mat. It feels really good to start getting into a routine. The weather was clear and chilly today with a really gusty wind blowing. Each day is a little warmer now to the point that snow on the walking paths actually started melting. It’s still odd to see bright daylight in the middle of the night. Thank god for blackout curtains in our rooms.